Monday, November 18, 2013

"Caption Writing"

1. Tom Hanks kisses Lucy Washington on Thursday at noon in Times Squares in New York City.
Hanks grabbed Washington and gave her a passionate kiss after he heard the news that that the allies had defeated the nazis.

2. Marilynn Moore Walks down the stage on Sunday night in Hollywood.Marilyn makes a dramatic entrance for her fans. She is known as the most beautiful elegant lady of the latest time.

3. James Boron lost his family on a Monday Morning his house got on a fire. James is now alone with nothing left .James is trying to survive now on he's lonely life.

4.William Anderson was part of the rescue people of the worst tragic explosion in the east of Austin on a  Saturday morning.  Anderson did the best he could to save he's people, but sadly he was to late.

5. Perez Elementary had the worst break down of the year, They had a locked down on Monday Morning. A serious killer got in at the Perez Elementary School were all the teachers and students were on dangerous. The were all safe at the end of the Day.